micropuissance omnipolaire numerique Hall-effect capteur IC
energy efficient • Push- pull output • Non-chopper stabilized design • Omnipolar magnetics • Thermally balanced integrated circuit • Subminiature package size • Simple activation from a North pole or a South pole • Tape and reel packaging Supply voltage as low as 2.2 Vdc, combined with very low average current of 1.8 uA typ., reduces power consumption, provides extended battery life, and promotes energy efficiency. Push-pull output does not require external pull-up resistor, simplifying interface with common electrical circuits and potentially reducing PC board space and costs to the customer. Does not utilize chopper stabilization, eliminating the noise generated by products using this technique, meaning that customers do not need filters to compensate for the noise. Omnipolar capability with high and low duty cycle options allows for use in a variety of potential applications with low power requirements and/or battery Magnetic Sensors Line Guide operation. Thermally balanced integrated circuit provides for stable operation over a wide temperature range, of -40° to 85°C [-40° to 185°F]. SOT-23 subminiature package requires less PCB space, allowing for use in smaller assemblies. North pole or South pole operation does not require the magnet polarity to be identified, making installation easier and potentially reducing system costs. Supplied on tape and reel which allows for a compact design with automated component placement, helping to reduce manufacturing costs. Potential applications include motion control, lid closure detection, presence-absence, metering, and displacement sensing on battery-operated, mobile equipment such as computer notebooks, scanners, hand-held industrial computers, instrumentation and appliances.